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Colorado Education Association 2021 Scorecard

SB 18-004: Funding for Full-day Kindergarten

Under existing law, the 'Public School Finance Act of 1994' funds kindergarten students as half-day pupils plus the supplemental kindergarten enrollment. Under existing law, the supplemental kindergarten enrollment is an additional .08 of a full-day pupil. The bill increases the supplemental kindergarten enrollment for the 2017-18 budget year and each budget year thereafter to .15 of a full-day pupil. The bill expresses the general assembly's intent to increase funding annually for full-day kindergarten starting in the 2018-19 budget year and continuing through the 2022-23 budget year so that by the 2022-23 budget year, the general assembly is funding kindergarten students as full-day pupils. Pursuant to referendum C passed by the voters in 2005, the state is currently authorized to retain and spend up to a capped amount of revenues each year that would otherwise be refunded in accordance with the taxpayer's bill of rights. Subject to a vote of the people, the bill authorizes the state to retain and spend all additional excess revenues beginning in the 2017-18 fiscal year. The general assembly is required to appropriate the additional retained money first to fund kindergarten pupils as full-day pupils and then to fund the state's share of total program funding. The state treasurer must transfer any amount of remaining additional excess revenues to the state education fund. The director of research of the legislative council must prepare an annual report concerning how the retained excess revenues are expended. The secretary of state is directed to place the question of whether to allow the state to retain excess revenues on the ballot for the 2018 general election. (Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)  

CEA supports this bill because students who have access to full day kindergarten have been shown to be more successful throughout their educational career. CEA supports efforts to fund full day kindergarten for all students.

See more: Bill info from the legislature

CEA Supported

Senate Status: Postpone Indefinitely
Final Status: Fail

Legend:Pro-Education VoteAnti-Education VoteExcused (did not vote)
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Senate Votes:

SenatorParty - DistrictVOTE
Court, LoisD - District 31Pro-Education Vote
Fenberg, StephenD - District 18Pro-Education Vote
Hill, OwenR - District 10Anti-Education Vote
Marble, VickiR - District 23Anti-Education Vote
Sonnenberg, JerryR - District 1Anti-Education Vote