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Colorado Education Association 2021 Scorecard

SB 19-087: Students Subject to A Safety Incident

Current law allows nonresident pupils from other school districts within the state to enroll in a school district without requiring the nonresident pupils to pay tuition but gives the school district the authority to deny enrollment to nonresident pupils after the pupil enrollment count day. The bill requires a school district to allow enrollment of nonresident pupils after the pupil enrollment count day if the student has been subjected to a school safety incident.

CEA opposes this bill for two reasons. First, it ultimately creates vouchers which will divert public school funding to other sources, which has repeatedly been shown to not support student success. 

See more: Bill info from the legislature

CEA Opposed

Senate Status: Fail
Final Status: Postpone Indefinitely

Legend:Pro-Education VoteAnti-Education VoteExcused (did not vote)
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Senate Votes:

SenateParty - DistrictVOTE
Court, LoisD - 31 Pro-Education Vote
Fields, RhondaD - 29 Pro-Education Vote
Foote, MikeD - 17 Pro-Education Vote
Marble, VickiR - 23 Anti-Education Vote
Sonnenberg, JerryR - 1 Anti-Education Vote