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CEA Legislative

Scorecard 2020

HB 20-1131: Menstrual Hygiene Products In Schools Program

Bill Summary:

The bill creates in the department of public health and environment (department) the menstrual hygiene products accessibility grant program (grant program) to provide awards to public schools or school districts in order to provide menstrual hygiene products at no expense to students. The state board of health is required to promulgate rules necessary for the implementation of the grant program. The department shall award grants subject to available appropriations, and may seek, accept, and expend gifts, grants, or donations from private or public sources. (Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)

CEA Position Rationale: CEA Supports all students having access to menstrual hygiene products without stigma, inconvenience, or fiscal barriers.
Legislative Priorities: Mental Health and Socio-Emotional Health, Prioritize Working Families and Union Values, Dismantle Inequitable and Racist Structures
Tier: 3

CEA Supported

House Status: Fail
Final Status: Postpone Indefinitely

Read the bill (PDF) »

Pro-Education VoteAnti-Education VoteNo vote taken

House Votes:

Baisley, MarkRepublicanDistrict 39Anti-Education Vote
Buck, PerryRepublicanDistrict 49Anti-Education Vote
Buckner, JanetDemocratDistrict 40Pro-Education Vote
Buentello, BriDemocratDistrict 47Pro-Education Vote
Caraveo, YadiraDemocratDistrict 31Pro-Education Vote
Coleman, JamesDemocratDistrict 7Pro-Education Vote
Cutter, LisaDemocratDistrict 25Pro-Education Vote
Exum, TonyDemocratDistrict 17Pro-Education Vote
Geitner, TimRepublicanDistrict 19Anti-Education Vote
Larson, ColinRepublicanDistrict 22Anti-Education Vote
McLachlan, BarbaraDemocratDistrict 59Pro-Education Vote
Michaelson Jenet, DafnaDemocratDistrict 30Pro-Education Vote
Wilson, JamesRepublicanDistrict 60Anti-Education Vote