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CEA Legislative

Scorecard 2020

SB 20-117: School Employee Paycheck Transparency

Bill Summary:

The bill requires local education employers to disclose to their employees the amount of money deducted from the employees' wages and salaries payable to a third party that is used for lobbying or political activity. The bill requires the local education employers to collect the necessary information from third-party entities in order to compile the disclosure information.(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)

CEA Position Rationale: This bill is an end run attempt to create a public database of membership, while at the same time creating a double standard for unions and similar organizations that is not enforced on corporations and other interest groups. Further, it is a violation of local control, will waste resources that could be directed to the classroom AND a violation of the First Amendment based on the Citizens United Decision.
Legislative Priorities: Prioritize Working Families and Union Values
Tier: 2

CEA Opposed

Senate Status: Fail
Final Status: Postpone Indefinitely

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Pro-Education VoteAnti-Education VoteNo vote taken

Senate Votes:

Fields, RhondaDemocratDistrict 29Pro-Education Vote
Foote, MikeDemocratDistrict 17Pro-Education Vote
Hansen, ChrisDemocratDistrict 31Pro-Education Vote
Marble, VickiRepublicanDistrict 23Anti-Education Vote
Sonnenberg, JerryRepublicanDistrict 1Anti-Education Vote