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CEA Legislative

Scorecard 2020

HB 20-1114: Protect Minors From Mutilation And Sterilization

Bill Summary:

The bill protects minors from mutilation and sterilization. The bill creates a crime of unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor. A health care professional commits unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor if the person knowingly administers, dispenses, or prescribes a drug or hormone or orders or performs a surgical procedure for the purpose of facilitating sex reassignment of a minor. Unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor is a class 3 felony. A health care professional who is convicted of unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor is subject to professional disciplinary action. (Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)

CEA Position Rationale: CEA supports all students being welcomed in schools and society. It is critical that LGBTQ students are able to express and live as themselves and making interference in that process are not supportive of the mental, psychological, and physical safety of all students.
Legislative Priorities: Mental Health and Socio-Emotional Health, Prioritize Working Families and Union Values, Dismantle Inequitable and Racist Structures, Attract and Retain High Quality Educators and Improve Educator Workload
Tier: 3

CEA Opposed

House Status: Fail
Final Status: Postpone Indefinitely

Read the bill (PDF) »

Pro-Education VoteAnti-Education VoteNo vote taken

House Votes:

Duran, MonicaDemocratDistrict 24Pro-Education Vote
Humphrey, StephenRepublicanDistrict 48Anti-Education Vote
Jaquez Lewis, SonyaDemocratDistrict 12Pro-Education Vote
Kennedy, ChrisDemocratDistrict 23Pro-Education Vote
Lontine, SusanDemocratDistrict 1Pro-Education Vote
Rich, JaniceRepublicanDistrict 55Anti-Education Vote
Sirota, EmilyDemocratDistrict 9Pro-Education Vote
Williams, DaveRepublicanDistrict 15Anti-Education Vote
Woodrow, StevenDemocratDistrict 15Pro-Education Vote