| HB 17-1001 | Employee Leave Attend Child's Academic Activities | Pass | Postpone Indefinitely | Fail |
 | HB 17-1003 | Strategic Plan To Address Teacher Shortages | Pass | Pass | Signed by Governor |
 | HB 17-1038 | Prohibit Corporal Punishment of Children | Pass | Postpone Indefinitely | Fail |
 | HB 17-1089 | Parent Choice in Low-performing School Districts | Postpone Indefinitely | | Fail |
 | HB 17-1134 | Holding Colorado government accountable for creating sanctuary jurisdiction policies | Postpone Indefinitely | | Fail |
 | HB 17-1176 | PERA Public Employees' Retirement Association Retirees Employed By Rural School Districts | Pass | Pass | Signed by Governor |
 | HB 17-1210 | School Discipline for Preschool Through 2nd Grade | Pass | Postpone Indefinitely | Fail |
 | HB 17-1211 | Educators Professional Development Discipline Strategies | Pass | Pass | Signed by Governor |
 | HB 17-1230 | Protect Colorado Residents From Federal Government Overreach | Pass | Postpone Indefinitely | Fail |
 | HB 17-1287 | Achieving A Vision For Education In Colorado | Pass | Postpone Indefinitely | Fail |
 | SB 17-039 | Education Income Tax Credits for Nonpublic Schools | Postpone Indefinitely | Pass | Fail |
 | SB 17-055 | Prohibit Discrimination Labor Union Participation | Postpone Indefinitely | Pass | Fail |
 | SB 17-061 | Distribution of Additional Operational Funding to Charter Schools | Postpone Indefinitely | Pass | Fail |
 | SB 17-067 | Educator Effectiveness 50% Student Academic Growth | | Postpone Indefinitely | Fail |
 | SB 17-103 | Early Learning Strategies In Education Accountability | Pass | Pass | Signed by Governor |
 | SB 17-113 | Cap Employer Contribution Rates for PERA employers | Postpone Indefinitely | Pass | Fail |
 | SB 17-158 | Modify Composition of PERA Board of Trustees | Postpone Indefinitely | Pass | Fail |
 | SB 17-200 | Reward Excellence With Annual Redirected Dollars | Postpone Indefinitely | Pass | Fail |
 | SB 17-267 | Sustainability of Rural Colorado | Pass | Pass | Signed by Governor |