| HB 19-1002 | Leadership Professional Development For School Principals | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | HB 19-1017 | Kindergarten Through Fifth Grade Social And Emotional Health Act | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | HB 19-1032 | Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education (House 3rd reading) | Pass | | |
 | HB 19-1032-Amend | Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education (Senate Amendment L.129 AND House REPASS) | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | HB 19-1049 | Concealed Handguns On School Grounds | Fail | | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | HB 19-1101 | Prohibit Discrimination Labor Union Participation | Fail | | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | HB 19-1110 | Media Literacy | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | HB 19-1110-Amend | Media Literacy (House Appropriation Amendment L012) | Pass | | |
 | HB 19-1112 | Child Safety Accounts | Fail | | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | HB 19-1120 | Youth Mental Health Education And Suicide Prevention | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | HB 19-1123 | Income Tax Deduction For 529 Account K-12 Expenses | Fail | | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | HB 19-1151 | Special Education Opportunity Scholarships | Fail | | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | HB 19-1190 | Repeal Of Mill Levy Equalization Fund | Fail | | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | HB 19-1192 | Inclusion Of American Minorities In Teaching Civil Government | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | HB 19-1210 | Local Government Minimum Wage | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | HB 19-1249 | Safety And Accountability In School Contracts | Fail | | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | HB 19-1257 | Voter Approval To Retain Revenue For Ed & Transp | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | HB 19-1258 | Allocate Voter-approved Revenue For Education & Transportation | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | HB 19-1333 | Cigarette Tobacco & Nicotine Products Tax | Pass | Fail | Fail |
 | SB 19-002 | Regulate Student Education Loan Servicers | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | SB 19-003 | Educator Loan Forgiveness Program | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | SB 19-060 | Educator Supplies Tax Credit | | Fail | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | SB 19-074 | Support For Literacy Enrichment For Young Students | | Fail | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | SB 19-087 | Students Subject to A Safety Incident | | Fail | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | SB 19-102 | Innovation School Operating As A Community School | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | SB 19-129 | Regulation Of Online Schools | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | SB 19-188 | FAMLI Family Medical Leave Insurance Program (Senate Finance Amendment L045) | | Pass | Pass |
 | SB 19-204 | Public School Local Accountability Systems | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | SB 19-207 | FY 2019-20 Long Bill (Sentate amendment J072) | | Pass | Pass |
 | SB 19-246 | Public School Finance | Pass | Pass | Pass |
 | SB 19-247 | Educator Performance Evaluation System Requirements (Prime Sponsors) | | | Laid Over |