| HB 21-1010 | Diverse K-12 Educator Workforce Report | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1038 | Concealed Handguns On School Grounds | Postpone Indefinitely | | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | HB 21-1049 | Prohibit Discrimination Labor Union Participation | Postpone Indefinitely | | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | HB 21-1050 | Workers' Compensation | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1055 | Compensation For School District Board Members | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1067 | College Admission Use Of National Test Score | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1068 | Insurance Coverage Mental Health Wellness Exam | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1080 | Nonpublic Education And COVID-19 Relief Act | Postpone Indefinitely | | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | HB 21-1087 | Teaching And Learning Conditions Survey | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1103 | Media Literacy Implementation | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1104 | Professional Educator Licensure Renewal Period | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1108 | Gender Identity Expression Anti-discrimination | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1114 | School District Provision Of Internet Service | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1117 | Local Government Authority Promote Affordable Housing Units | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1129 | Extend Deadline For Training To Teach Reading | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1161 | Suspend Statewide Assessments For Select Grades | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1164 | Total Program Mill Levy Tax Credit | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1194 | Immigration Legal Defense Fund | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1200 | Revise Student Financial Literacy Standards | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1207 | Overpayment Of Workers' Compensation Benefits | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1210 | Modifications To Qualified State Tuition Programs | Postpone Indefinitely | | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | HB 21-1234 | Supplemental Education High-impact Tutoring Programs | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1258 | Rapid Mental Health Response For Colorado Youth | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1294 | K-12 Education Accountability Systems Performance Audit | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1295 | Rebuttable Presumption In Charter School Appeals | Postpone Indefinitely | | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | HB 21-1311 | Income Tax | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1312 | Insurance Premium Property Sales Severance Tax | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1317 | Regulating Marijuana Concentrates | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | HB 21-1321 | Voter Transparency In Ballot Measures | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-013 | Reversing COVID-related Learning Loss | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-037 | Student Equity Education Funding Programs | | Postpone Indefinitely | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | SB 21-053 | Adjustments To School Funding Fiscal Year 2020-21 | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-056 | Expand Cannabis-based Medicine At Schools | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-057 | Private Lenders Of Student Loans Acts And Practices | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-077 | Remove Lawful Presence Verification Credentialing | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-087 | Agricultural Workers' Rights | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-116 | Prohibit American Indian Mascots | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-131 | Protect Personal Identifying Information Kept By State | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-151 | Literacy Curriculum Transparency | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-169 | Restrict Insurers' Use Of External Consumer Data | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-172 | Educator Pay Raise Fund (floor vote) | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-172 | Educator Pay Raise Fund (Education Committee Vote) | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-173 | Rights In Residential Lease Agreements | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-185 | Supporting Educator Workforce In Colorado | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-197 | Workers' Compensation Physician | | Passed | Postpone Indefinitely |
 | SB 21-202 | Public School Air Quality Improvement Grants | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-250 | Elections And Voting | Passed | Passed | Passed |
 | SB 21-255 | Free Menstrual Hygiene Products To Students | Passed | Passed | Passed |